Save the Date! March 9, 2025
Scholarship Auditions
Registration opens January 3, 2025
Through the generous financial support of our donors, the Conservatory annually awards merit scholarships to current students. These merit scholarships are meant to reward accomplishment, effort, and to encourage our talented students to further their skills. The Conservatory’s scholarship auditions provide a wonderful opportunity for students to have a professional assessment of their abilities within a positive and supportive environment.
Applications are due by 11:59pm on February 9, 2025. Auditions will take place on March 9, 2025.

Audition Information
Eligibility | Scholarship auditions are open to current WCM private lesson students. Please talk with your private lesson teacher prior to completing the application.
Audition Requirements | Audition requirements by instrument are listed below. Students are asked to adhere to requirements when submitting their applications. Students can audition in more than one instrument area. Please complete a separate application for each area.
Complete current student applications will include:
- Completed Scholarship Audition Application. Registration opens January 3, 2025.
- Registration Fee | Payment is accepted upon submission of the online application.
Questions? Contact your WCM instructor, or contact Student Services at 414-276-5760 or info@wcmusic.org.
Audition Requirements by Instrument Area
Entry Level | All students must enter and audition in the appropriate age category based on year in school at the time of the audition. Age categories are:
- Early Elementary – Grades 2 and under
- Late Elementary – Grades 3 – 5
- Middle School – Grades 6 – 8
- High School – Grades 9 – 11
- Adult – Grade 12 and Post High School
Audition Material | 1. Students will be asked to prepare and perform two compositions from two of the three categories listed under the age level requirements. 2. All repertoire and scales must be memorized. Exception to this requirement is indicated in the adult category. 3. All pieces must be at least 16 measures in length excluding repeats. 4. No folk songs or arrangements may be used.
Evaluation | Auditions will be judged on the following elements of musical performance: precision, expression, tone, technique, presentation including memorization, and technical difficulty. All judges’ decisions are final.
Day of Audition | Students must provide judges with clean, published editions of their compositions with measures numbered. Judges reserve the right to stop students for the sake of time. Students should arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to their scheduled audition time and report to the audition site 10 minutes prior to their scheduled time. Only performers, adjudicators, and proctors may be present in the audition.
Entry Level | All students must enter and audition in the appropriate age category based on year in school at the time of the audition. Age categories are:
- Early Elementary – Grades 2 and under
- Late Elementary – Grades 3 – 5
- Middle School – Grades 6 – 8
- High School – Grades 9 – 11
- Adult – Grade 12 and Post High School
Audition Material | 1. Students will perform two contrasting compositions representative of their current level of achievement, and the techniques outlined per the guidelines below. 2. Scales, arpeggios, and repertoire must be memorized, unless otherwise noted. 3. If indicated in the level that the judge will choose from one of the following scales, you are to choose a scale from the scale options presented. 4. Students who require a pre-recorded backing track must provide their own.
Evaluation | Auditions will be scored on the following elements of musical performance: precision, expression, tone, intonation, technique, interpretation, and technical difficulty. All judges’ decisions are final.
Day of Audition | Students must provide judges with clean, published editions of their compositions with measures numbered. Judges reserve the right to ask students to skip sections for the sake of time. At the beginning of your audition, first announce your name, then announce which scale(s) and arpeggios you are going to play per the level indicated below then proceed to announce and perform your repertoire.
Entry Level | All students must enter and audition in the appropriate age category based on year in school at the time of the audition. Age categories are:
- Early Elementary – Grades 2 and under
- Late Elementary – Grades 3 – 5
- Middle School – Grades 6 – 8
- High School – Grades 9 – 11
- Adult – Grade 12 and Post High School
Audition Material | 1. Students will be asked to perform two compositions from contrasting musical periods and/or styles (two contrasting movements from a single work are also acceptable). 2. Students will be expected to perform two scales that judges select from the list in the student’s respective category. 3. A collaborative pianist (accompanist) is REQUIRED. WCM will schedule each participant for a rehearsal time with the pianist. Students must provide WCM with the piano score upon registration of this event. 4. Memorization of audition pieces and scales is strongly recommended, but not required.
Evaluation | Auditions will be judged on the following elements of musical performance: precision, expression, tone, intonation, technique, presentation, and technical difficulty. All judges’ decisions are final.
Day of Audition | Students must provide judges with clean, published editions of their compositions with measures numbered. Judges reserve the right to ask students to skip sections for the sake of time
Entry Level | All students must enter and audition in the appropriate age category based on year in school at the time of the audition. Students may only enter in one category/style. Age categories are:
- Middle School – Grades 6 – 8
- High School – Grades 9 – 11
- Adult – Grade 12 and Post High School
Audition Material | 1. Students will be expected to prepare all the requirements as listed in the appropriate audition category and level. 2. The judges will determine which and how much of each selection the student will be asked to perform during the audition time. 3. All audition repertoire must be memorized.
Evaluation | Auditions will be judged on the following elements of musical performance: precision, expression, tone, intonation, technique, presentation, interpretation, and technical difficulty. All judges’ decisions are final.
Day of Audition | Students must provide judges with clean, published editions of their compositions with measures numbered. Judges reserve the right to ask students to skip sections of selections for the sake of time. Students are asked to introduce themselves and the collaborative pianist at the beginning of the audition, and the title and composer prior to performing each selection.
Entry Level | All students must enter and audition in the appropriate age category based on year in school at the time of the audition. Age categories are:
- Late Elementary – Grades 3 – 5
- Middle School – Grades 6 – 8
- High School – Grades 9 – 11
- Adult – Grade 12 and Post High School
Audition Material | 1. Students will be expected to prepare all the requirements as listed in the appropriate audition category and level. 2. Memorization is encouraged but not required.
Evaluation | Auditions will be scored on the following elements of musical performance: precision, expression, tone, intonation, technique, interpretation, and technical difficulty. All judges’ decisions are final.
Day of Audition | Students must provide judges with clean, published editions of their compositions with measures numbered. Judges reserve the right to ask students to skip sections for the sake of time.
Entry Level | Auditions are open to students entering grades 5 – 12 interested in WCM Jazz & Contemporary Music programs, including students currently enrolled in Jazz Lab, Latin Jazz Ensemble, or Rock & Blues Combo. Winners receive a scholarship that will be applied to Jazz & Contemporary Music program tuition (not private lessons).
Audition Material | Students will be expected to prepare all the requirements as listed in the appropriate category. Time limit is 10 minutes.
Evaluation | Auditions will be judged on the following elements of musical performance: improvisation, accuracy, rhythm, time, technique, stylistic awareness, and harmonic skills. All judges’ decisions are final.
Day of Audition | Judges reserve the right to ask students to skip sections of selections for the sake of time. Live accompaniment will be provided.
Questions | Contact Jazz & Contemporary Music department chair Mitchell Shiner at mshiner@wcmusic.org.