Registration & Financial Aid
Register For The Wisconsin Conservatory of Music
Enrollment Information
At the Wisconsin Conservatory, individuals are able to enroll in three easy ways: online, over the phone, or in person. Benefits for students include free conservatory concert tickets, access to the Dorothea Meyer Music library, practice rooms with exceptional pianos, access to performance opportunities, and more. View more information on scholarships, registration, and policies.

New Student Private Lesson Package
Want to enroll in private lessons but nervous about committing to a full semester? New students to WCM can sign up for our introductory private lesson package.
Introductory Private Lesson Package: $220 for 6 weeks of 30-minute lessons on any instrument. Call our Student Services team at 414-276-5760 or send in a contact form to start the conversation!
3 Ways To Enroll
Students are able to register online for most courses by creating an ActiveNet account. Students may also be asked to fill out an inquiry form for the desired course along with you or your child’s age and instrument of interest.
Over The Phone
Our staff is readily available for any questions or concerns you may have during the registration process. Our business hours are: Mon – Fri: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM or Sat: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
We can be contacted at: (414) 276 – 5760.
In Person
Students may stop by our downtown Milwaukee location of the McIntosh Goodrich Mansion to turn in application forms in person at:
1584 N Prospect Ave
Milwaukee WI 53202

For Individuals & Families
Registration Fees
- Fall, Spring, & Summer Semesters | $45 per year per family is charged to individuals or families initially registered for the Fall semester to cover the Fall, Spring, and Summer semester for a period of 12 months.
- Spring & Summer Semesters | $40 per family is charged to individuals of families initially registered for the Spring semester to cover the Spring and Summer semesters.
- Summer Semester Only | $25 per family is charged to individuals or families who register for the Summer semester
No registration fees are applied for summer camps, workshops, or classes with tuition less than $75

For New & Returning Students
Tuition Assistance
Full and partial needs-based tuition assistance is available for all Conservatory programs for individuals and families who may need financial support in the pursuit of their music education. Tuition must be paid in full prior to the first class or lesson.
We are most grateful to all the donors who make it possible for us to offer this program.
For all other questions, or if you’re interested in payment plans, please contact Student Services at (414) 276 – 5760
Tuition Assistance Application
Support Needs-based tuition assistance

Gift Certificates
You can give someone the gift of music by purchasing a WCM Gift Certificate, available for any amount you choose! Gift Certificates are available for our 6-pack of Private Lessons or for a class like Smart Start Early Childhood Music or Ukulele Discoveries.
Our 6-week Private Lesson Package gift certificate starts at $220 and is good for any instrument or voice for students ages 3 and up.
Smart Start gift certificates start at $339 for a 17-week semester of classes and are for children ages 0 to 4 years old.

Apply for an Instrument
WCM accepts donations of gently used instruments from the community and then repairs them before giving them new life with a student in need. Anyone regardless of age or experience level can apply to receive one of these repaired instruments. Fill out the form if you would like to apply to receive a repaired instrument.

Updated September 2023
WCM Student & Parent/Guardian Handbook
Explore student benefits, weather policies, school calendars, & more.
Other Registration Information
Cancellations will be posted on all local news stations and wcmusic.org. Private lessons canceled for winter weather or acts of nature will be made up at a later date. Group classes and ensembles cancelled for inclement weather or acts of nature will not be made up.
Regular attendance at scheduled times is expected. Instructors are not required to make up private lessons that a student has missed. Make ups are offered at the instructor’s discretion. Lessons missed on the account of the instructor will be made up. There are no makeups for group classes and ensembles.
The Wisconsin Conservatory of Music reserves the right, and may give permission to the media to photograph or take video of classes, programs and participants at all our facilities and Conservatory Connections sites. Please be aware that these photos/videos are for promotional purposes and may be used in future publications and/or media communications. By participating in Conservatory classes and programs, you consent to the taking and publication of your photo or videofor these purposes.
If you would like to opt-out, please email info@wcmusic.org
A withdrawal is considered the discontinuation of any or all studies at the Conservatory. All requests for withdrawals must be submitted, in writing or via email, to Student Services before any student will be considered withdrawn. Verbal requests or notification of intention to withdraw made directly to a student’s instructor do not fulfill this requirement. The date on which the written withdrawal is received by the Conservatory, not the last date of attendance, is considered as the official date of withdrawal. Tuition refunds for classes will be considered when written notice of withdrawal is received. Refunds because of a student’s withdrawal are for tuition only. The Registration fee is non-refundable. Complete refunds (including the Registration fee) will be issued only if a class is canceled by the Conservatory or the instructor.
100% of the tuition is refundable if the student withdraws before classes or lessons begin; 75% of the tuition is refundable during the first week; 50% during the second week; and 25% during the third week of the semester. No refunds will be issued after the third week of the semester.
A student who wishes to withdraw from Individual Instruction must give the Student Services office two weeks written (or email) notice. The student is responsible for payment for those two lessons and may attend them if he or she chooses. Informing a teacher of intent to withdraw does not constitute adequate notice to Student Services. If proper notification has been received, the student will be refunded for any lessons remaining beyond the two-week notification period.