Making Music Education Accessible to All!
Community Partnerships
Music Education for the Community- IN the community!
Inspire, energize, and generate lifelong learners with a Wisconsin Conservatory of Music faculty artist at your school, early childhood center, senior center, or organization. WCM Community Partnership programs provide curriculum-based music instruction throughout southeast Wisconsin- tailored to each partner’s specific needs and goals.
At many of our Community Partnership sites, the musical experiences provided by the faculty artists from the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music are the only opportunities available. We are committed to this work because our mission is to inspire individuals and communities through exceptional music education, accessible to all- and we believe that a instruction in music provides:
- a working and living knowledge of music in all its forms; performed, listened to, and ubiquitously placed throughout our daily experiences; knowledge that stays with students their entire life and serves as a passport throughout the musical world,
- a creative outlet for emotions, interaction with people and their music from a variety of cultures and time periods, and collaborative opportunities to work creatively with others,
- the opportunity to grow persistence, discipline, self-awareness, self-assessment, and communication skills, and
- rich opportunities for cognitive engagement and development.
Click on the links below to learn more about the programs we offer, our amazing team who supports them, and to contact us for more information!
In all my years as a principal, I’ve never seen students more enthusiastic about music class than with our Conservatory teachers. It’s all hands-on from the very first class.
Our faculty artists are teaching in over 40 Community Partner sites this year, delivering approximately 370 hours of weekly instruction to more than 10,000 students!
Where we are: